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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Origami Pill "Swallowtail Butterfly"

Hi there~It's been a while since come up with an origami idea for you guys . A while back seen this beautiful butterfly on Cridiana's blog and i knew I wanted to try it out. So i did today and I want to share some picture with you .Who knows maybe i.ll inspire you just like Cridiana did to  me. heheh
Buna~A trecut ceva timp de cand prezentat ultima idee origami. Acum ceva timp in urma am vazut acest fluture superb pe blogul Cridianei si am stiut ca vreau sa il incerc si eu. Iar astazi am incercat si vreau sa  impartasesc cateva poze. Cine stie poate va transmit un pic de inspiratie la fel cum si Cridiana mi.a transmis mie heheh.

The only modification made to the original model is that I added some antenas. I dunno ..after I have made some butterflies they just seemed like they were missing smth..heheh.
Singura modificare pe care am adus.o modelului original sunt antenele. Nu stiu..dupa ce am terminat cativa fluturasi pareau ca le lipseste ceva..heheh.

Soo if you want to try check out this tutorial.It really helped me.
Deci daca vreti sa incercati acest model uitati acest filmulet. Pe mine m.a ajutat .

2 comentarii:

  1. gorgeous, like the quilled flowers to!!!

  2. :D Ma bucur ca te-am determinat sa impaturesti acest fluturas. Imi place ideea cu antenele.


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