Astazi este ziua de nume a mamei.[o cheama Ana] si am decis sa ii fac niste biscuiti.Am incercat reteta de 3 ori inainte insa dupa ziua de astazi trebuie sa recunosc ca celelalte dati au fost un eses total.De aceasta data reteta a iesit perfect.Nu ma mai pot opri din mancat hahah....sunt moi in interior insa exteriorul este crocant..ahh perfect.Si nici nu i.am ars deloc..de obicei toate prajiturile facute la cuptor se ard un pic cand incerc sa le fac eu:)))
I got the recipe from a cooking book I received on my birthday from my former classmates and this is the first recipe I.m trying from it. heheh
Am luat reteta dintr.o carte de gatit pe care am primit.o de ziua mea de la fostii mei colegi de clasa iar aceasta este prima reteta pe care am incercat.o din ea.hehe
Ingredients for 18 cookies.
175 gr flour~
1 pinche of salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate
75 gr butter or margarine
50 gr sugar
3 tablespoons sugar syrup
125 gr chocolate chips
1.Heat the oven aproximately 10 min before baking.
2.In a big bowl combine the flower with salt,baking powder and sodium bicarbonate.
3.cut the butter into little cubes and mix everything with the hand.
4.Combine the sugar,the syrup and the chocolate chips with the composition you made until now and mix everything with the mixer until you have obtained a thick paste.
5. Form the cookies,not too big , and put them on the baking tray.Be careful though to let space to grow.
6.Press lightly with fingertips to flatten them.
7.Bake for 12-15 min in the oven.
8.Let them cool 2 minutes on baking sheets; transfer to cooling racks to cool completely. [Sry if my the directions are not that great but I have the recipe in romanian and I had to translate it myself.So I may have some problems using the corect cooking terms]PS:The only twist I made at this batch of cookies is putting a peanut on every cookie.Last time I used walnuts.
Ingrediente pentru 18 biscuiti.
175 gr faina
1 vf de cutit de sare
1 lingurita praf de copt
1/4 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu
75 gr unt sau margarina
50 gr zahar
3 linguri sirop de zahar
125 gr fulgi de ciocolata.
1.Incalziti cuptorul cu aproximativ 10 min inate de coacere.
2.Intr-un castron mare cerneti faina cu sarea,praful de copt si bicarbonatul.
3.Taiati untul in cubulete si amesestecati totul cu mana.
4.Adaugati peste compozitia obtinuta zaharul,siropul si fulgii de ciocolata[daca nu gasiti fulgi ca atare,puteti sa taiati ciocolata in bucatele cat mai mici sau sa o radeti prin razatoarea mare] si amestecati totul cu mixer.ul pana la obtinerea unei paste groase.
5.Formati fursecuri nu prea mari pe care le asezati in ntavav.Aveti grija sa lasati putin spatiu intre ele pentru a avea loc sa creasca.
6.Aplatizati.le usor cu varful degetelor.
7.Coaceti circa 12-15 min in cuptor.
8.Lasati.le sa se raceasca putin in tava , apo transferati.le pe un gratar pana se racesc complet.
PS:Singurul lucru care l.am adaugat au fost alunele pus deasupra fiecarui fursec.Data trecuta am folosit miez de nuca.
I.m definetly going to make these cookies more often.~
Mmmm My favorite.. when they are soft and gooey.. and crunchy too!! Yum :) And I bet she will LOVE those cookies :)
ReplyDeleteSo, I don't know if you know about this blog, but she does a new post every Friday.. its just like MIM really!!
thanks Susan for u kind words.She definetly did..although I as waaay happier..cuz they turned out that good and in such a special day also heheh. and also..I.ll give a look to that blog~ thanks;))
They look soooo good! Your mom has such a good daughter! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this great content, I really enjoyed the insign you bring to the topic, awesome stuff!