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Monday, August 13, 2012


Hi crafters~ I have this project that I have started 10 days ago and i almost finished it[90%] and then other things came out and I had to put it on hold~Well...luckily today I have found the time to finally take my sunflowers and make them shine.keke.
Buna ~Am acest proiect pe care l-am inceput acum 10 zile si pe care aproape l-am terminat[90%] dar datorita unor interventii a trebuit sa il pun pe plan secund~ Astazi insa am reusit in sfarsit sa gasesc timp sa aduc cele 3 floarea soarelui la lumina hehe.

So I have wanted to make my own version of sunflowers for a while now but I just..i dont know if I did~ I mean it is hard to not be influenced by everything outhere~
 Am vrut sa fac versiunea mea pentru floarea soarelui dar pur si stiu daca am reusit~ Este greu sa nu ma las influentata de creatiile existente deja.

 I know its hard to come up with something original~ buut..I tried..hehe
Stiu ca este greu sa vin cu ceva original incercat.

Also check out my inspirations. You can clearly see something from everypiece in my work.
De asemenea uitati si inspiratiile. Puteti vedea foarte bine cate ceva din fiecare in lucrarea mea.

Take neli's sunflower for example.
Uitati varianta lui neli de exemplu.

Or Lin's .
Sau cea a lui Lin .

Also Andreea C made some really nice versions of sunflowers~
De asemenea Andreea C a facut niste versiuni foarte interesante ale florii.

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