Paradise is exactly like where you are right now only much, much better.
Sometimes one simple word can light a person's whole day.♥

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Yet another butterfly.

Hi again. Been a while since I have been quilling and I.m still not free of studying but I had to make a present for my cousin's birthday. She saw one of my previous framed work and asked if I would make her smth similar.
Buna din now.A trecut ceva timp de cand am avut un proiect de quilling si plus ca inca mai am foarte mult de invatat.A trebuit insa sa ii daruiesc ceva verisoarei mele a carei zile de nastere se apropie. A vazut o lucrare de a mea mai veche si a intrebat daca nu ii pot face ceva similar.

She wanted though to be a bit more colourful and bright to match the colour of her wall. So here is what I came up with.
A vrut totusi ceva mai colorat si viu pentru a se potrivi cu culorile peretelui.Dupa un pic de deliberare iata cu ce am ajuns.

I would also like to enter this piece of work in Simon Says Stamp and Show ... Anything Goes! challenge.
~~ placea sa concurez cu aceasta lucrare la competitia Simon Says Stamp and Show ... Anything Goes! 

4 comentarii:

  1. Wow, I can see how much work went into these quilled pieces - well done! The Design Team are really pleased that you joined us for the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge this week - Thank you!

  2. Migalos, dar minunat! Ai multa rabdare.

  3. Your work is amazing! I am still in the learning phase and hope my pieces end up being as beautiful and amazing as yours!

  4. My daughter was recently asking me what quilling was. I just showed her your blog and she loves your work. I think we are going to have to stop by the craft store to pick up some supplies because she wants to try her hand at it after seeing your beautiful work.


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