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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Project: Decorate my room

Project:Decorate my room;
Progress: 25%;
1/4 Phases complete~
Proiect:Decorarea camerei mele;
1/4 Faze complete.

Hi there...remember my little project of decorating my room?? Well A few days back I finally managed to finish 1000 cranes. YAYYYY~
.Here are the rest of the cranes till 1000  that waited to be hanged.
~~ amintiti de proiectul meu de decorare a camerei?Acum cateva zle am reusit in sfarsit sa impaturesc 1000 de cocori.Nu imi vine sa cred.
Uitati o poza cu restul cocorilor pana la 1000 care au asteptat sa fie agatati.

Now as you saw before...the cranes were hanged in from of the window but I decided to move them into the center of the room. I don.t have a really pretty chandelier... so I believe the colours will mask it beautifully.
Asa cum ati vazut anterior..cocorii erau agatati in fata geamului insa hotarat sa ii pun imi mijlocul camerei.Nu am o lustra prea frumoasa si am considerat ca astfel il "ascund" un pic??hehe.

I also decided to  to decorate my room in 4 phases. hope I won.t change my mind again. So in the center I have the cranes...then on one wall I want to put many butterflies[This is actually the next phase I want to complete], on another wall I want to put some inspiring images and lastly some cherryblossoms in front of the  window.Can.t wait to see it complete~~ kk.
Am decis de asemenea sa imi decorez camera in 4 faze.Sper ca nu ma voi razgandi din now. Deci in centru am pus cocorii...planuiesc ca pe un alt perete sa pun foarte multi fluturi, pe un altul ceva fotografii iar la sfarsit niste flori de cires pe perdeaua din fata geamului.Abia astept sa termin~ hehe.

7 comentarii:

  1. WOW what a marathon paper folding that must have been ! But the results are stunning!

  2. It was fun folding the had a little help from my friends..hehe.
    Thanks for ur comment.

  3. Minunata idee. Felicitari! Ti s-a indeplinit dorinta :P?

  4. multumesc cridiana. O parte din dorinta pot spune ca mi s.a indeplinit.hehe;))

  5. Wow! Am impaturit si eu sute de cocori, da' o asemenea idee minunata nu mi-a venit, desi as fi avut unde-o aplica (once upon a time). Super idee, super punere in aplicare. Cred ca ai cel mai frumos tavan din lume :)

  6. Multumesc Shiroka~ Se vede intradevar superb..problema este insa..trebuie sa gasesc ceva mai rezistent cu care sa lipesc..incep sa isi dea trezindu.te cu un sir de cocori in cap in mijlocul noptii este ingrozitor:))Nu recomand nimanui. Multumesc din nou~ Si sper ca o sa te mai vad pe aici~ Comments are always appreciated.. heheh.

  7. Tot respectul in fata ta :) vreau sa spun ca imi place foarte mult cum arata si ideea de a le lipi in jurul candelabrului, cred ca atunci cand e aprins becul ai niste umbre minunate pe pereti. Felicitari !


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