Paradise is exactly like where you are right now only much, much better.
Sometimes one simple word can light a person's whole day.♥

Friday, April 13, 2012


After missing 3 days it.s impossible not to come back with some new cards right?? So 2 days ago I spent 7 hours cutting 3 mm strips with a cutter and my hand hurt like hell but it totally paid out. Now I have beautiful 3 mm strips and I absolutely love what comes out with them. i mean 5 mm are good too but..I better show you. In my opinion these look soo much better than my previous cards but I would love you opinion too.

Note:Most of my work is up for sale so if you saw anything you would like to buy don.t hesitate to contact me. I don.t know about international shipping though.If it's possible I guess we can make it happen. *hugs*

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