Paradise is exactly like where you are right now only much, much better.
Sometimes one simple word can light a person's whole day.♥

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Time flies soo fast that we don.t even notice it..Soon I.ll start my college life and I.ll become a student~It frightening...Anyway..I do have something to share with you..I love winter and snow ..maybe cuz I was born in December but I love it...esp cuz it's also Christmas time~all the presents and the carols and the warm atmosphere..I simply love it.
And soo..the first snowflakes have already fallen for me..I made quilled snowflakes last year too and everybody that got them as presents from me  loved I decided to begin earlier this year and make some...esp cuz I dunno how much time I.ll have after college starts.
For now I only got blue ones..I do love blue ..[alot] . Next time I.ll make some white ones..and if anybody wants some I.ll make whatever colour comes. My tree will be in nuances of blue and white soo I don.t want to try making snowflakes of other colours if its not for someone in particular. They will just get dusty. are some pictures .
Timpul trece asa de repede incat nici nu observam . In curand voi incepe viata de student si este un pic infricosator.hehe. ceva sa va arat. Ador iarna si zapada..poate pentru ca sunt nascuta in Decembrie dar pur si simplu o ador. special pentru ca este perioada Craciunului...toate cadourile si colindele si atmosfera calda..este minunat.
Si astfel...primii fulgi de nea au cazut pentru mine. Am facut fulgi din hartie si anul trecut si toata lumea care i.a primit de la mine cadou placut. foarte mult astfel incat am decis sa incep mai devreme anul acesta si sa fac special pentru ca nu stiu cat timp voi avea dupa ce voi incepe facultatea.
Deocamdata am facut cativa pe nuante de albastru..ador albastrul..heheh. Data viitoare vreau sa fac cativa daca cineva doreste in special am sa fac si pe alte culori. Bradul meu va fi pe nuante de albastru si alb deci nu prea vreau sa incerc sa fac alte culori decat daca vrea cineva in special. Altfel o sa stea intr.o cutie fara sa fie nu vreau asta. 
Oricum..iata cateva fotografii.

Also..I.m trying some different signatures..what do u think of this one??
This week is a Linky Party at MIM again and I couldn.t help myself not submitting anything..It's so much fun and I found so many great crafters out there.So this week I.m partying with this lovely snowflakes..
MIM #106 with Bugaboo Stamps~~
De asemenea incerc cateva semnaturi noi..ce credeti despre asta ?
In aceasta saptamana este o petrecere la MIM din nou si nu putut abtine sa nu particip.Este asa de distractiv si am gasit atat de multi crafteri talentati acolo.Asa ca in aceasta saptamana petrec cu acesti fulgi de "nea" hehe.
MIM #106 with Bugaboo Stamps

11 comentarii:

  1. These are absolutely gorgeous! I would love to see a photo of your tree covered with these beautiful snowflakes!

  2. Uuu! A venit iarna deja la tine :D
    Sunt minunati fulgii! Cu siguranta o sa incerc si eu cativa.
    Cat despre semnatura, este foarte frumoasa dar mi se pare un pic cam mare si nu se vede clar ca acolo scrie numele blogului tau.

  3. Thank you Anne~ I will definetly post a picture with my soon to come to live tree.

    Da pare ca da a venit..heheh:))
    Ma gandeam eu..pai se pare ca o sa mai incerc..O sa imi iasa pana la urma ceva. Ms

  4. gorgeous snow flakes, never thought to make blues ones till now, love to see your tree with them!!!

  5. Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous!!! I just love them.. I LOVE winter.. and I love Christmas too!!

    My oldest daughter just started college.. she is on her 4th week as a freshman. She is doing a great job so far except in writing.. she's not much of a writer. She is really good at math and science!

    Good luck!! You will do great; I'm sure of it!!

  6. Wow! Beautiful snowflakes. Love that you did them in blue.

  7. Beautiful quilling, love your fab snowflakes.
    Thanks for linking up with MIM this week.
    Remember, to be in the running to win the prize from our sponsor this week just leave a comment for another entry. Be sure to mention you saw them on Make It Monday. The more entries you comment on the more chances you have of winning!
    Hugs, Sandy

  8. Oh my goodness such beautiful snowflakes. You are so talented. Love the new signature you are trying out.

  9. These are GORGEOUS!! They are sooo beautiful!! How are you soo brilliantly talented? I love your quilling!!
    Love them,

  10. Thank you everybody for all ur kind words. They mean a whole lot to me. Thank you for visiting.:)


  11. Superbe! Ca si tot ceea ce faci. Ma bucur sa le pot admira! <3


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